Đức Nguyễn Minh | Chat Online
18/04 19:44:23

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
4. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.
1. Everyday I go to work by foot, but she goes to work by bus.
2. I think more people will be using public transportation in the future.
3. I'm in a bus to Da Nang to join in a meeting there.
4. My brother will pedal his monowheel to work at next week.
5. Will we travelled in driverless and high-speed cars in the future?
6. I saw hers motorbike. It is very modern.
7.I can see theirs new album here.
8. Another Japanese city. Osaka, also has a very large population with 20.5 million
9. She goes to the bakery by foot, but sometimes she goes there by bicycle.
10. It takes me fifteen minutes to go to the school by bus.
5. Put a, an, the if necessary.
1. We read
books and play,
2. I've bought umbrella for my sister.
3. My family often have
4. My brother doesn't like
games when we have free time.
eggs for breakfast
5. You can see moon clearly in the Mid-Autumn festival
6. My brother doesn't like present I gave him.
book I lent you last week?
7. Where is
S. My father works as
9.1 want to travel around
10. James offered me¸
world when I grow up.
cup of coffee and
piece of cake.
cake is delicious.
1. Kead the passage, and then tick the correct answer: true (1), or false (F).
Vehicles in the near future, will be fuel efficient, zero emission, and use high tech electronics
and software to assist drivers in a variety of ways. Vehicles will communicate with each other.
with the road and with traffic signals. Autos and trucks of the future will use vision
enhancement devices to help you navigate through bad weather. let you see around them, or
warn you of a possible collision with a pedestrian or animal. They will also let you know if
you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane.
In twenty years, cars of the future will be different than the automobiles of today, and so will
the driving experience.
1. Vehicles will always cause greenhouse gases.
2. People can connect with others in different cars in the future.
3. People will be able to drive safely even in bad weather.
4. Cars will notice people when there is a passenger crossing the lane.
5. Cars and how to drive will only change after two more decades.
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