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20/04/2024 13:18:50

Read the passage, then circle the correct answers

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 3. Read the passage, then circle the correct answers.
Giving positive nonverbal messages can improve your relationship with your child and develop
emotional connections in your family. Most children love being hugged and kissed, for
This warm and caring body language sends the nonverbal message that you want to be close to
your child.
Some children with special needs - for example, children with autism and sensory sensitivities -
might find body contact difficult.
On the other hand, negative nonverbal communication - for example, a grumpy tone of voice or
a frown when you're doing something fun together might send the message that you don't
really want to be there.
So matching your verbal and nonverbal communication makes your words more effective.
For example, a teacher might explain a maths problem using her hands to show size and shape.
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