Linn | Chat Online
20/04 15:13:41

Read the following passage and mark the letter

on your
answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B,
numbered blanks.
Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim, usually go to the
One day they saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said: "Mile
beach in the summer, but this year they wanted to do something (23)
was very excited because he's bored (24)
beach holidays." They found
some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday
in Spain.
They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows
olives, and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work, so he needs people to help
the olives for me," he said. "It isn't an
him. "The Benson family (25)
easy job."
is bi
but they
The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got
their water from a tap outside the cottage. They worked (26)
had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they swam every evening.
On Saturdays and Sundays, they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some
part of the holiday was
interesting places," Said Emily. "But the (27)
being on the farm!"
Question 23: A. differ
B. difference C. differing
D. different
Question 24: A. at
Question 25: A. got
Question 26: A. hard
Question 27: A. good
B. with
C. to
D. for
B. took
C. picked
D. Found
B. hardly
B. best
C. hardworking
D. Hardes
C. better
D. well
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