Thanh Nhi | Chat Online
21/04/2024 13:26:41

Listen to a talk between Mr Ha and his students and complete each sentence with ONE word

Exercise 1. Listen to a talk between Mr Ha and his students and complete each sentence with
ONE word. 1. Bullet trains will be faster, safer, and riders can avoid traffic
2. SkyTrans will use less space and run on
3. SkyTrans may be too
for students.
will be cheaper and easier to use.
and comfortable.
5. Solar-powered ships will be
Exercise 2. Mark and Hoa are talking about the film Naughty Twins. Listen to their
conversation and choose the best answer.
1. Naughty Twins is a
A. comedy
B. science fiction film
C. horror film
D. cartoon
2. The main characters are
A. old classmates
B. neighbours
C. twin brothers
D. twin sisters
3. Where do the twins meet each other for the first time?
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