khoa Đồng | Chat Online
21/04/2024 14:48:31

Circle the word in each line which has the underlined part pronounced differently. Then listen and repeat

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Circle the word in each line which has the underlined part pronounced
differently. Then listen and repeat.
1. A. curious
B. fun
C. drum
2. A. special
B. landscape
D. historical
3. A. Australia
4. A. windy
B. native
B sunlight
C. ancient
⑩. capital
5. A. castle
B. whistle
C. shining
D. coastline
D. sunset
1. A. unique
B. tattoo
II. Circle the word which has different stress pattern in each line.
D. royal
C. amount
2. A. amuse
B. penguin
C. hockey
D. landscape
3. A. historic
B. waterfall
C. amazing
D. tradition
4. A. museum
B. important
C. kangaroo
D. fantastic
5. A. Canada
B. sightseeing
C. visitor
D. surrounding
II. Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with a word or phrase in
the box.
1. Singapore is one of the
2. New Zealand is
countries in Asia.
to a number of forest birds that live nowhere else on Earth.
3. Linh is practising to get a better British accent like a
4. Some of the most
castles in England date back to the eleventh century.
5. New Zealand and the UK are not the only countries where people love their
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