Linn | Chat Online
25/04 18:23:12

Five hundred years ago, Europeans (23)______on a new continent. They brought new cultures and languages to this place which they called America. However, there were already people living there who had their (24)_______ cultures and languages

Five hundred years ago, Europeans (23)______on a new continent. They brought new cultures and languages to this place which they called America. However, there were already people living there who had their (24)_______ cultures and languages. And so a terrible part of history began.
As more Europeans arrived, there was a fight for the land with the native American Indians. By the end of the nineteenth century, the Indian tribes were moved to reservations. A lot of their children were taken away to boarding schools and these children were (25)_____ to speak English. By the end of the twentieth century, more than half of the Native Americans in the US were living in cities. They gave (26)______ speaking their old tribal language and only used English. (27)______ a result, many Native American languages disappeared and with them their culture.
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