Trần Nzgoca | Chat Online
30/04/2024 15:29:57

Choose and circle the best answer

III. Choose and circle the best answer.
1. Wind, hydro, and solar are
A. modern
2. Cyclists need to obey the traffic
A. rules
A. Hydro
A. Montreal
by not carrying more than one passenger.
energy sources.
B. renewable
C. non-renewable
B. Solar
C. lights
D. new
D. accidents
D. Wind
turbines transform kinetic energy of air currents into electrical energy.
C. Water
is the nation's capital and the fourth-largest urban region in Canada.
5. Children should avoid
A. unhealthy
is a self-balancing one-wheeled electric vehicle for personal transportation.
A. Bamboo-copter
B. Ottawa
C. Wellington
D. Canberra
foods such as hamburgers and snacks.
B. nutritious
C. uncooked
D. fresh
B. Car
C. Solowheel
D. Bullet train
C. his
D. him
7. When he was 8 years old, he had an accident and broke
A. mine
B. he
8. The teacher
gave the students
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