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30/04/2024 20:26:08

Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box

complete the conversation with the sentences from the box
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
the sentences from the box.
I wish to have a phone that can show holograms like that.
Actually, people are using holograms in some live concerts and conferences nowadays.
It would be great if they still have it.
A 3D image of the screen will pop up whenever you need to use it.
So what do you think a future smartphone will look like?
Will it be as thin as a piece of paper?
What do you mean by having no screen?
It should be touchable!
Emily: Do you like technology devices such as smartphone and computer, Brian?
Brian: Yes, I do. I read news about them all the time.
Emily: (1)
Brian: Well, it's not easy to predict because technology develops every second of every day, but I think
smartphone will be much thinner and easy to be folded.
Emily: (2).
Brian: Possibly! The phone might have a plastic screen and its appearance will look like a sheet of A5
paper, or it won't even have physical screen at all.
Emily: (3)
Brian: By using holograms of course. (4),
How can we view the information and interact with others?
Emily: Wow! But it sounds like science-fiction films.
Brian: (5)
Emily: How terrific!
Brian: I know. (6).
Emily: But smartphone's screen should be more interactive and nicer. I prefer a smartphone which
fashionable and real. (7).
Brian: Well, these are just my predictions. The future smartphone might still keep its physical screen.
Emily: (8).
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