Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
05/12/2018 19:30:07

Can you show me ... i can get tickets for the show

1. Can you show me ... i can get tickets for the show 
A. which     B. what     C. where   D. that 
2. It is getting dark and they wish they .... a motel
A. will find   B. would find   C. can find  D. shall find
3. In the past , many classrooms in vietnam .... of mud and straw
A. are making   B. made    C. was made    D. were made
4. thr river , the village has the advantage of having a peaceful place
A. situating   B. located    C. locating    D. stood 
5. we got a lot of ... from our holiday in nha trang last year 
A. enjoyment    B. enjoying   C. enjoyed    D. enjoy
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