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01/05/2024 20:07:46

Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
B. Applications have a negative effect on the benefits of smartphones.
C. Applications have a limited effects on the benefits of smartphones.
D. Applications play a significant role in the benefits of smartphones.
Rearrange the given words to make complete sentences (1.0 POINT)
31. not/told/me/ stay/up/ He/late./ to
32. When/ I/ doing/my/I/ heard/loud/noise./ was/homework,/ a
33. English/says/ become/He/that/ wants/an/teacher./he/ to
34. 512GB/a/laptop/ Mary/ with/ owns/storage./ of
35. in/ There/ different/groups/ are/ethnic/ Vietnam.
Rewrite sentences without changing their meanings (1.0 POINT)
36. "I can't play the guitar because it's too hard.", he said to me.
→He told me
37. "Where are you now?" the mother asked her daughter on the phone.
→ The mother asked
38. His robot can't lift objects as high as mine. (HIGHER)
39. "You need to do your homework and go to bed early," said my mother. (TOLD)
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