Thucam Nguyenthi | Chat Online
01/05/2024 22:03:37

Read the questions. Write safety tips for children. There is one example

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
47.Mr Smith often surfs the
internet in the evening.
48.My brother goes
skating every Sunday.
49.1 often do karate
in the gym
50.1 ride my bike
in the park every Sunday.
Task 2. Read the questions. Write safety tips for children. There is one example (0).
0. Why shouldn't children climb trees?
1. Why shouldn't children play with a knife?
2. Why shouldn't children play with matches?
3. Why shouldn't children ride their bike too fast?
4. Why shouldn't children go out alone?
5. Why shouldn't children play on the balcony?
51.She shouldn't eat a lot of
52. She shouldn't
0. Children shouldn't climb trees because they may fall down and break their arms or legs.
1. They shouldn't play with a knife because
2. They shouldn't play with matches because
3. They shouldn't ride their bike too fast because
4. They shouldn't go out alone because
5. They shouldn't play on the balcony because
Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your friend's health problem and give advice. There is one example (0).
0. What's her name?
1. How old is he/she?
2. What's the matter with him/her?
3. Where's he/she now?
4. What should he/she do? Why?
5. What should he/she not do? Why not?
0. My friend is
1. He/She is
on year old
2. He/She has She has stomach ache.
3. He's/She's
4. He/She should
5. He/She shouldn't
Task 4 Read the questions. Write about yourself. There is one example (0).
0. What's your name?
1. What do you do in your free time?
2. How often do you do that?
3 Who do you like to spend your free time with?
4. What does your mother often do in her free time?
5. What does your father often do in his free time?
Hello. (0) My name is Phunghon
1. I often
gote fishing
4. Mymother
5. My father
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