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03/05 06:09:51

Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D

X. Read and complete each numbered blank in the passage with the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
      There are a wide range of ways in which we communicate. Here are some major ways of communication. Spoken or (1)_____communication, which includes face-to-face or telephone conversations, news and stories on the radio or television.
Non-verbal communication, which covers (2)_______language, how we dressor act, where we stand, and even our scent. There are many subtle ways that we communicate (sometimes unintentionally) with others. For example, the tone of voice can give clues to mood or emotional state (3) ________ hand signals or facial gesturescan munication, which includes letters, emails, social media, books, (4) _______, the Internet and other media. Until recently, several writers and publishers were very powerful when it came to communicating the written word. Today, we can all write and publish our ideas online, which has led to an explosion of information and communication possibilities.Visualisations, which (5) ________ graphs, charts, maps, logos, pictures, and manyother visual objects to communicate messages.
1. A. written          B. verbal             C. physical            D. visual
2. A. spoken          B. foreign           C. sign                   D. body
3. A. while             B. so                  C. during                D. when
4. A. talks              B. paintings        C. recordings         D. magazines
5. A. draws            B. affects            C. uses                   D. communicates
XI. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
        Nobody can deny that technology development has done a lot to make our lives much better. However, there are some questions that worry us: will technology replace us in personal communication?
What if humans no longer feel the need to communicate in person?
Nowadays, with just one click, we can communicate with anyone, from anywhere through emails, video calls, messages, and other social media. It’s quick and convenient. No trouble for dressing up or travelling for a personal meeting. We might become addicted to having conversations online instead of in person.
What if emojis become the only way we express our emotions?
There are various emojis that we can now use with an email or message to express our different emotions: a smiley or crying face, a winked eye, or an o-shaped mouth. The emojis are still increasing in number. We might no longer need facial expressions because the emojis do it for us, and the person in the chat box gets it from us.
The future is perhaps for our generation to decide.
1. We are worried that technology will  ________ humans in personal communication.
A. harm                     B. replace                        C. change                D. laugh at
2. Communicating with people has become ________.
A. expensive             B. emotional                    C. troublesome        D. easy
3. The number of emojis is ________.
A. big                        B. limited                        C. small                    D. unknown
4. In future ‘conversations’, it’s ________ that we no longer need facial expressions.
A. amusing                B. certain                        C. possible                D. for sure
5. This passage is concerned ________ in personal communication.
A. how we will use emojis                                    C. technology will participate        
B.  if dressing up is necessary                                D. if technology will replace humans
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