Lan Phương | Chat Online
03/05 19:47:00

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. Many
A. cultural
and artistic activities are held as the part of the flower festival in Da Lat.
B. romance
C. disappointed
D. annoyed
2. Wind, hydro and solar are..........
....... (modern/ renewable/ non-renewable/new) energy sources.
3. Nick washes his hand a lot, (so/ and/ but/ although) he doesn't have flu.
4. At a seasonal festival, people race down the hill to (break/ catch/buy/ eat) cheese.
5. (When/ How/ Why/ Where) were you born? - In March.
6. We will cut down on the use of natural gas because it is.......... & harmful to the environment.
B. limited
C. available
A. plenty
7. Which of the following is NOT non-renewable source of energy?
A. oil
8. Some new energy-saving bulbs
B. wind
A. will put
B. will be putting
9. We should have a
D. abundant
C. natural gas
in the dining-room.
D. coal
C. will be put
D. will being put
check-up every six months.
a. medical
b. medicine
c. hospital
d. aspirin
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