Nguyệt Ánh | Chat Online
03/05 20:05:28

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

1.We have some ... ways of dealing with the subject.
a.another B.other c.the others d.others
2.Wait a minute, I want to ... a picture of you and the baby
a.take b.give c.make
3.On Sunday, Nam ... his prarents in the field as usual.
a.helps helping d.helping
4.You say something in a loud voice or speak angrily to somebody.what are you doing?
a.shouting b.singing c.laughing d.reading
5.She went to market without ... anything buy c.bought d.buying
6.I was ... the web, looking for information on India music.. b.designing c.surfing d.updating
7.The parent is calling the teacher ... some questions about her son. asking b.for ask ask asking
8.etter is asking to borrow Ha's phone.
-Petter: "Can I borrow your phone,Ha?"         -Ha: "..."
a.Me too  b.Congratulations!  c.Here you are  d.Thanks a lot
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