ebe của anhh | Chat Online
03/05/2024 20:38:34

How many countries ... in the word? They told me to carry my ... luggage onto the plane

1..How many countries ... in the word?
a.is there  b.there is  c.there are d.are there
2.They told me to carry my ... luggage onto the plane.
a.handy b.handing c.handed d.hande
3.You have five candies. You want to share with your friends. If you want to be ... , you should give one to each friendd, so everyone has the same number of candies. 
a.stubborn b.fair c.brave d.strong
4. ....!Don't touch the paint, it's wet!
a.Hold on b.Try out c.Wacht out d.Look at
5.We ... fish and vegetables by placing them above boiling water in a container.
a.grill b.fry c.steam d.roast
6. Turn the ... in the look to open the door
a.bell b.volume c.key d.stick
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