ng thu phương | Chat Online
03/05 20:56:42

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7. Hoa: "How about going fishing this Saturday?" - Ha: "
A. That's a good idea
C. The same to you
B. Never mind
D. Have a nice weekend
8. Ba is in the store computer at the moment.
-Ba: "Does this laptop have the same operating system as that one?"
-Sale assistant: "_
A. Yes, it is expensive B. No, it uses a different one
C. Yes, it is cheap D. No, it isn't
11. Bat Trang village in Vietnam is very famous for making.
A. silver
B. silk
12. You should wear a
A. headscarf
B. cloth
C. pottery
D. plastic
C. blouse
when you cook so that you are not dirty.
D. apron
13. "Do you make any crafts"? Mary asked me.
A. She asked if I make any crafts.
B. She asked if I made any crafts.
C. She asked whether I make any crafts.
D. She asked whether did I make any crafts
14. The cloth that _
A. the
Chăm in the southern of Vietnam make are colorful.
B. a
C. an
D. X
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