ng thu phương | Chat Online
03/05 20:57:19

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
15. She plans to visit.
A. a
B. an
16. Five color
the north of Vietnam.
A. corn
B. sticky rice
C. X
D. the
United Kingdom next year.
is traditional and popular food of ethnic groups in
C. beef
D. steamed
17. "How do you celebrate the New Year?" asked Anna.
A. She asked how do they celebrate the New Year.
B. She asked how did they celebrate the New Year.
C. She asked how they celebrate the New Year.
D. She asked how they celebrated the New Year.
18. This restaurant serves its food with forks, knives and spoons made of
A. patterns
B. rice
C. cloth
D. silver
in the market.
19. Ethnic groups often sell their own
A. products
20. _
B. utensil
Muong are one of
C. crafts
D. embroidery
ethnic groups that live mainly in northern
A. A - the
b. the-a
c. The - the
d. The - an
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