ebe của anhh | Chat Online
03/05/2024 21:10:52

Đọc bài đọc và viết MỘT TỪ vào chỗ chấm

Đọc bài đọc và viết MỘT TỪ vào chỗ chấm
how many hour a day do you watch talevision? How many hours a week? Most children watch way too much television. Television is also not good for children because many shows are to violent. There aren't very many shows at night could be considered children's shows. Many shows that are made for adults are shown during the time when children are watch television. It is not good for children to see so much violence. Some rasearchers say that watching this kind of program on television leads some children to do violent things in real life. Many children say that there is nothing to do but watch television. This just isn't true. Children can go on walks, take a bike ride, or learn how to cook. They can play a game, do their homework, play jump rope, and do jumping jacks. They can also play soccer, basketball,football or dance. There are so many things to do and so little time. Children should turn off the television because they are missing out on too much fun!

 Children are likely to use violence on a daily basis after seeing Q1... programs. Children spend too much time watch TV because they think they have Q2... to do eccept for watching TV. Children can take part in other activities to have Q3... rather than watching TV
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