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04/05 18:31:45

Choose a synonym (1-4) and an antonym (5-8)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Choose a synonym (1-4) and an antonym (5-8)
1. His final remarks had a tremendous impact on the audience.
A. influence
B. importance
C. concept
2. The number of insect species is greater than that of all other animal species.
A. equals
B. doubles
C. affects
3. Our experiment will be carried out only as soon as we gather enough information.
A. conducted
B. brought
4. I don't usually stay up late to study before exams.
A. scarcely
B. occasionally
C. published
C. immediately
5. He decided not to buy the fake watch and wait until he had more money.
D. burden
D. exceeds
D. sponsored
D. normally
A. counterfeit
B. genuine
C. cheap
D. attractive
6. Moses, famous for her simplistic scenes of rural life, began painting at seventy six.
A. country
B. luxurious
C. urban
D. hard
B. dead
7. It is believed that none of the reptiles alive today is capable of flight.
A. harmless
C. weak
D. beneficial
A. lie down
8. We'd better speed up if we want to get to the airport in time.
B. turn down
C. slow down
D. put down
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