Linn | Chat Online
05/05 15:36:12

Chọn câu viết lại sao cho nghĩa của câu viết lại không đổi với câu gốc

Question 36. Mr. Hugar is the most intelligent person I've ever known.
A. I have never known a more intelligent person than Mr. Hugar.
B. I have known a more intelligent person than Mr. Hugar before.
C. I have ever known a more intelligent person than Mr. Hugar.
D. I have never known a more intelligent person than Mr. Hugar before.
Question 37. He wore a mask so that no one would recognize him.
A. He avoided recognized by wearing a mask.
B. He avoided being recognized by wearing a mask.
C. Wearing a mask made him not recognize.
D. A mask helped him avoiding being recognized.
Question 38. Roses may not be very well but she still manages to enjoy life.
A. Her poor health couldn't prevent her from enjoying life.
B. She doesn't enjoy life because of poor health.
C. She still enjoys life despite of poor health.
D. Her poor health can't prevent her from enjoying life.
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