Vinh Nguyen | Chat Online
05/05/2024 19:16:24

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Kylie works hard and doesn't play during the day. She
gets food and drink for her.
A. helps
A. the
B. help
C. helped
.Lauren wash and she
She opens books and turns the pages for her. She helps with the phone and puts
B. in
C. into
the computer.
But Kylie doesn't help Lauren 24 hours. day.
B. a
C. an
D. under
D. one
And there are some great shops - clothes shops, shoe shops, music shops. And they
are all in
same place.
C. any
mall is the place to be!
A. a
B. the
A. loving
B. cinema
It's a canal boat. It's
B. under
D. one
D. one
A. upon
C. shopping
Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace.
25. I often travel with the boat. I'm
A. a
B. an
C. are
C. on
D. into
artist and the boat is a fantastic place for painting.
D. one
There aren't many boats on the canals. But.
and noisy!
the summer, it's often very busy
A. on
D. under
D. far
A. many
C. into
B. in
............ rooms are there on your boat?
B. much
The boat is quite small.
much space for my things.
A. so
29. I live in Manchester. It's.
C. long
I haven't got many rooms. There are three. There isn't
exciting, multicultural city.
C. then
C. very
D. but
B. for
A. an
B. a
D. is
I've got
B. a lot of
D. lot of
A. any
............ clothes! And there are my paintings. too!
Part 7: Complete sentences
C. more
1. read/books/ free time/ is/ favorite/ hobby.
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