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05/05/2024 20:01:49

Where is Tom staying for the next two weeks

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
C Portobello Road
D London, England
27. Where is Tom staying for the next two weeks?
A Portobello Road
B. London, England
C. Ritz Hotel
D. British Museum
28. What is located in the Bloomsbury area and has a science and human history exhibit?
A. a museum
B. a stadium
C. a hotel
D. a park
29. Where can Cindy find great souvenirs to buy?
A. British Museum
B. Ritz Carlton
C. Portobello Road
D. Kensington Park
30. Why did Tom send this postcard to Cindy?
A. He wanted her to come and visit London so they could take a tour of the city together.
B. To tell her about all the places he visited on vacation.
C. He wanted her to know he got some great souvenirs and took photos.
D. To let her know he was staying at the famous Ritz Hotel.
A. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
31. No one in my class is as beautiful than her,
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