taolabetonshopee | Chat Online
05/05 20:35:35

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Câu 5.1 The teacher asked us to give
A. homework
B. exams
on the solar system next Monday
C. experiments
D. presentations
you finish eating.
D. but
Câu 5.2 In some countries, you should leave a bit of food on your plate
A. so
B. before
B. progress
Câu 5.3 If you want to make
A. contact
Câu 5.4 I couldn't find
A. many
Câu 5.5 Suffering
A. to
B. much
B. through
Câu 5.6 Jack uses his new
A. laptop
B. smartphone
C. after
in studying, you should make a good study plan.
C. research
D. highlight
books about space at the book fair last weekend.
C. a lot
D. some
exam stress for a long time can make your health worse.
Câu 5.7 MPI prefer carrying out
A. as relaxes B. less relaxed
Câu 5.8 We had to
C. for
D. from
to take pictures and go on social media.
C. games console
experiments. It's
C. more relaxed
D. MP3 player
than sitting exams.
D. much relaxed
out many experiments at school last year.
A. carry
B. turn
Câu 5.9 My mother said that I would
A. gain
B. improve
C. give
C. lack
D. solve
social skills if I spent too much time on my smart
D. spend
Câu 5.10 Judy: "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" - Sarah: "
A. Nothing special.
B. I went to the mall.
C. That doesn't sound like fun.
D. I preferred going to the cinema.
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