Ha Minh | Chat Online
08/05 23:34:06

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

Subsidy economy from 1976 to 1986 means all (1)                                of goods and raw materials are in the supplies of the central government. The government coordinated (2)..... all of economy from planning, collecting, and distributing to consumers . Each person was delivered with standard distributions which depended on working level, age, rank and position in government or professional.

      Sharing essential supplies had many problems, for example, four people shared a ....(3)of bicycle tires, or even a blanket. Sometimes one pig was shared among 20 households, everyone wanted to take the good parts and very difficult to divide fairly. Moreover, because of bad storage and complicated delivery, many supplied foods were in bad condition, such as broken, rotten or even poisonous. Each family got their own rice booklet shown date and number kilos of rice. During that time, (4)...... Vietnamese had a famous saying, “Your face looks sad like losing the rice booklet”.
(1) A storage B sources C resource D consumption
(2) A steps. B ways C ranks D progress 
(3) A tube B stick C pair D loaf
(4) A an B zero article C the D a
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