vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
10/05 22:32:40

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của câu viết lại không đổi với câu gốc

Hộ mình nhanh nhanh với ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
85. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.
=> Do you mind......
86. He will die if they don't send him for a doctor.
=> Unless..............
87. He would prefer you to pay him immediately.
=> He'd rather.....
88. The water was so cold that the children couldn't swim in it.
=> The water was not...
89. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.
=> Her car...
90. You must see the manager tomorrow morning.
=> The manager....
91. "What do you do at breaktime?" She asked me.
=> She asked me...
92. I don't study hard, so I can't pass the exam.
=> If...
93. "Where do you live?." She asked me
=> She asked me.......
94. My house is older than your house.
=> Your house isn't....
95. The trees will die if he doesn't water them.
=> Unless..........
96. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.
=>All the prisoners......
97. I live in Ha Noi. It is a beautiful city.
=> I...
98. I prefer going out to staying at home.
=>I'd rather.........
99. Why don't you put the rubbish in the bin?
=>I suggest.....

i X
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