vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
10/05 23:45:41

Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa của câu viết lại không đổi với câu gốc

Hộ em vs sáng mai em nộp ruii
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
67. Because of the heavy rain, we couldn't go to school.
68.Because her mother was sick, Hoa stayed at home.
Because of.
69. She went to bed early because she was tired.
Because of
70.Although Nam took a taxi, he still arrived late for the concern
Inspite of
71. Although the traffic was bad, I arrived the cinema on time.
72.We should study hard for the final exam now. (It's time +S +V qúa khứ đơn...tói
lúc ai đó làm gì )
It's time
73. Quang would rather stay at home to study than go out for a walk.
Quang prefers............
74.Lan spent two hours doing her homework every evening last year.
Lan used to........
75. I haven't seen that man before.
It's the.............
76.She hasn't visited her former school for five years.
The last time.
77. I last met her in 2010.
78. He hasworked for this company for two years.
79. Learning a little English is very necessary today
It's ..
80.It took us 30 minutes to open the door
81. The last time I visited Thailand was two years ago.
→I haven't........
82.He often had long hair and a thick moustache. (used to)
83. It's a pity she is absent from the party.
→ She wishes..........
84. He often went hunting when he was a mountainous. (used to)
85.People were watching the match on TV.
-The match............
86.Someone has stolen his laptop.
87. Susan wrote some famous plays.
→ Some famous
88. "Can you wait for me here, Jerry?"
→ Tom told............
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