Thùy Linh | Chat Online
11/05 22:54:42

​Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
9. If you love home-grown food, you cannot
Many people add
A, miss
1.1 send
A. group
B. find
C. seek
the farmers market at the weekend.
to their text messages to express their feelings
B. words
messages when I don't feel like typing
C. letters
13. Many teenagers like to meet on social
B. text
A. television
14. By using.
A. holography
D. Join
rather than face to face.
D. presents
C. picture
C. projects
D. calls
you can attend a meeting with your 3D image instead of being there in
B. voice messages C. social networks
15. Email, and chat rooms let children
16. Luckily, there are
A. foreign languages
17. Internet
A. relation
B. say
C. speak
D. group call
D. communicate
with friends and family members
many communication techniques to help overcome
B. culture shocks Clanguage barriers
via broadband offers many advantages
B. connection
18 We should not
(A) share
19. Scientists are
A doing
20 Face
A. agreement
21. I usually have
passwords with anyone.
C. bring
D. sound barriers
D. link
D. lend
experiments to test the effectiveness of the new medicine.
C. bringing
B. send
B. making
is everywhere from social media tagging to airport security cameras
B. information C. realization Drecognition
B. touch
22. All hand luggage has to be
A. read
D. taking
lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
C. communication D. zoom
at the airport security.
C. watched
23. Never buy things you don't need just because they are on
B. sell
C. selling
D. seen
D. Sold
TASK 4. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1.- Who
(invent) the World Wide Web?
Tim Berners-Lee.
2. The meeting is in the teacher's room. It
3. My parents said they (attend)
4. I hope Viet Nam
5. My father (have),
6. My teacher
(start) at 11:00.
a charity event then.
(be) a powerful country in cyberspace in about 50 years
a trip to Ha Noi next Monday.
(say) she was happy to see me become more mature.
7. At 8 o'clock yesterday he (have) having
8. When I was in primary school, I pot uisitad(not visit) the city zoo.
9. At present, my mother,
the forest.
(prepare) some warm clothes for me to go camping in
10. I was try (try) to climb the ladder to avoid the flood water at 8 p.m. yesterday.
11. The rescue tean
12.-The play
ticket in advance?
-If you wouldn't mind.
13. I asked my cousin why he
15. Mi said her brothers
(find) two survivors in the collapsed building after the
(start) at 7 p.m. on Monday. Would you like me to book your
(not like) watching environmental documentaries.
(draw) a diagram of the solar system then.
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