Duck Cạp Cạp | Chat Online
12/05 20:26:57

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

cứu giúp người đói điểm =))
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
following questions.
13. Each ethnic group has its own traditional costume
A. customs
14. She dreamt to be a famous
A. music
with their own
B. stilt houses
C. headscarves
D. patterns
at an early age.
B. musical
C. musically
D. musician
to breathe.
B. planets
C. food
D. oxygen
15. Humans can't live unless they have enough
A. water
16. My father prefers this robot because its battery can
A. run fast
B. last longer
17. Women from ethnic minorities in Vietnam often wear a
A. headscarf
B. pottery
C. move slowly
D. keep it hotter
around the
C. basket
D. necklace
I can use it
18. I'm excited that the iPhone 15 has a longer battery life,
all day.
A. so
B. or
C. also
D. but
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