Ha Minh | Chat Online
13/05 19:27:44

Điền a/ an/ the/ không điền mạo từ và giải thích

Vietnamese Cooking Habits The Vietnamese prefer fresh foods, and will rarely choose ready-made or frozen food. Since Viet Nam is an agricultural country, there are many kinds of vegetables and fruits available . Viet Nam also has a long coastal line, which means that there are many kinds of seafood available. Vietnamese households also prefer cooking and eating at home As Viet Nam is originally an agricultural country, its culture is (1)community one . Therefore, a family may have several generation , and meals are family affairs. Although they may eat out with their friends after work to maintain those relationships, they still join their families’ meals later in the evening
(1) điền a an the hay ko điền giới từ ạ hãy giải thích thank
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