bảo ngọc | Chat Online
13/05 21:18:43

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

17. They visited Uncle Ho's Mausoleum last Sunday,
A. did they
18. The weather was
A. most warmer
B. didn't they
C. do they
D. don't they
in England than in Spain last week.
B. by far warmer C. more warmer D. much warmer
country in the world.
19. China is by far
A. more populated
C. the most populated
20. My English teacher suggests
A. speaking
B. to speak
B. the more populated
D. much populated
English every day.
C. spoke
D. spoken
C. were
D. be
he often tells a lie.
C. because of
D. in spite
21. Not only my brother but also my sisters
A. is
B. are
22. Many people believe him
A. because
B. although
23. Lan wishes she
A. have
B. has
more time to look after her children.
C. having
D. had
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the foll
24 Lan: "Thank you for taking the time to come here in person."
A. You can say that again
C. I'd love to come. What time?
B. No, thanks
D. It's my pleasure.
25. Hoa: Sorry, "I was late this morning". Mr Nam
A. Yes, problem
C. Yes, I know
B. Well, don't let it happen again
D. It's ok
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