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15/05 19:04:07

Chọn từ thích hợp trong ô dưới đây điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau..

PHẦN C: ĐỌC HIỂU. (3.0 điểm)

I. Chọn từ thích hợp trong ô dưới đây điền vào mỗi chỗ trống để hoàn thành  đoạn văn sau.

 solar              because          fossil                  working                    electricity

We can develop alternative sources of energy, and if we don’t try we’ll never succeed. Instead of burning fossil fuels, we should concentrate on more economic uses of (1) ……………………, because electricity can be produced from any sources of energy.  If we do no research on (2) ………………….  energy, wind power, tidal power, hydro electric plant, our  (3) ……………………fuels will run out and we’ll all freeze or starve to death. Many countries are spending  much more time and money on research (4)…………………… the energy from the sun, the waves and the winds last forever. We really won’t survive if we don’t start (5)………………on cleaner

and safer sources of energy.

II. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi.    

          Le Van Thiem was born in 1918 in Ha Tinh, Viet Nam, in an intecllectual family. He was the youngest of 13 brothers ans sisters. He was the first Vietnamese to earn a “modern” doctoral degree. In 1939, after passing the final examinations with excellent marks, Le Van Thiem was offered a scholarship to study in Paris, France. His contributions in Paris placed him among the best young researchers in mathematics in the 1940s.

          In 1949, he returned to Viet Nam to take part in our country’s struggle for Independence. In 1951, he founded a teacher training college and a college of fundamental sciences in Viet Bac with the aim of provoding the country with qualified teachers and technicians.

          After 1954, he was the first director of Viet Nam Institute of Mathematics, the first Headmaster of Ha Noi National University of Education, and Ha Noi University of Science.

1. Where was Le Van Thiem born?

2. Did he pass his final exmainations excellently?

3. What did he do when he return to Viet Nam in 1949?

4. When did he found a teacher training college and a college of fundamental sciences?

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