nguyen phan | Chat Online
15/05 21:01:29

Read and choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to fill in the blanks in the following passage by writing your answer on your answer sheet

A. in
B. on
C. at
D. during
III. Read and choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to fill in the blanks in the
following passage by writing your answer on your answer sheet.
My name is Joe. I go to school in (10)
morning. When I get home from
school. I have lunch. After lunch, I usually have a nap. In the afternoon, I
my lessons and do my homework. Sometimes I go out (12)
volleyball with my friends outside. Then I have dinner at about 6:30. In the (13)
. I watch TV and play complete games. I never go to bed before 9:30. I alway
read books (14).
going to bed.
10. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. this
11. A. am
B. work
C. study
D. make
12. A. but
B, with
D. for
13. A. day
B. morning
C. afternoon
D. evening
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