QUốc Huy Nguyễn | Chat Online
15/05 21:25:51

Introduction yourself with basic information (name, class, age, hobby, family, etc.)

I. Introduction

Introduce yourself with basic information (name, class, age, hobby, family, etc.)

II. Topic (1 point): Choose one of the following topics to tell about.

Topic 7: Do you think it’s necessary to protect the environment? Why?

Topic 8: Do you like shopping? Why or Why not?

Topic 9: What do you know about natural disasters?

Topic 10: How do people mainly communicate in the future?

Topic 11: Is science and technology important in our modern life?

Topic 12: Is it possible or impossible to have life on other planets?

III. Answering the questions relating to the topics in the 2nd term.

Topic 7: The causes and effects of a kind of pollution and solutions to protect the environment.

Topic 8: The questions of shopping habits. (How often, who, How, etc.)

Topic 9: Name some natural disasters and the most disastrous natural disaster in your country recently.

Topic 10: Name some communication forms and the most effective form of communication you often use and give your explanations.

Topic 11: Do you think technology have greatly changed to your life? Why?

Topic 12: Do you think human beings might have a better life on other planets than on the earth? Why? What evidences?

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