nguyen phan | Chat Online
15/05 21:30:22

Order the words to make correct sentences by writing your answer on your answer sheet

18. Ben Nevis is the
19. Glasgow is one of the biggest city in Britain.
V. Order the words to make correct sentences by writing your answer on your
answer sheet.
20. money./I/do not/I/want/that bicycle/to buy/have/but/
21. My mother/early./helped/me/finished/I/so/my homework/
22. a/in/small house/She/the country./in/lives
23. I'll/and/go/or/the/to/cinema./stay at home/read a book/
24. He/works hard/tired/all day./is/because/he/
25. Was/one of/Mark Twain/writers/the most famous/America?/in/
The end!
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