nguyen phan | Chat Online
15/05 22:00:59

Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently from the other by writing your answer on your answer sheet

I. Choose the word having the underlined letters pronounced differently from the other
by writing your answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
1. A. thank
2. A. copy
3. A. books
4. A. tried
B. thin
B. post
B. pens
B. opened
C. mother
C. body
C. rulers
C. added
D. tooth
D. orange
D. erasers
D. lived
II. Choose the correct option to complete each following sentence by writing yo
answer (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
5. Bangkok is
A. a
......... capital of Thailand.
B. one
6. How many minutes are there in...
A. a
7. Docs your brother.....
A. play
8. Who is
A. rich
D. the
B. an
C. the
D. these
B. plays
any games?- No, he doesn't.
C. playing
D. to play
Bill Gates or Bill Clinton?
B. richer
C. richest
D. poor
B. Is Mai's hair
C. Does Mai's hair have
D. Is Mai of
......long or short?
A. Does Mai have hair
10. Mum: Did you ask Dad for help?- Mary:
A. No, I asked.
C. He's busy.
B. Yes, he was.
D. No, I don't.
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