bảo ngọc | Chat Online
17/05 20:07:01

Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences

D. Make yoursel
I. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
16. When I last saw him, he
A. has lived
in London.
B. is living
17. The poor don't have many things to eat,
A. do we
18. I wish people in the world
A. don't have
C. was living
C. do you
D. has been living
B. do they
D. don't we
conflicts and lived in peace.
B. doesn't have
C. didn't have
D. hadn't have
than girls?
B. more active
C. most active
D. the most active
19. Are you sure that boys are more
A. activer
20. She lives in one of the
parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there.
C. second most fashionable
21. She enjoys
A. most second fashionable
B. most fashionable
D. a lot more fashionable
with many people.
B. working
C. to work
D. works
able to come.
B. am
C. are
D. was
A. work
22. Neither he nor his friends
A. is
23. I have a lot of homework to do this evening,
I don't have time to watch the football
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