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17/05 21:07:21

Read the passage and complete each blank with a correct word. Write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet

II. Reading (2.0 points)
Part 1: Read the passage and complete each blank with a correct word. Write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
When I was a kid, I dreamed to become a doctor, to have high living (11)__ Korean films. After completing high school, I passed a university (12)__ as in exam and went to the city where I could continue my study. There were new and interest things that I had never experienced before. I did not use to go anywhere by bus when I first came, but later I started to like it. In my spare time, I often visited famous sites in the city and nearby provinces. I liked travelling and it was (13)__ to travel around in the city than in my hometown. I once intended to come back to my town after finishing the university program, but I could not leave the city. After graduation I worked as an auditor for about three years. I met new people, had nice colleagues and I learned new things. But six months ago, I realized that it was not my favorite job. At first, I did not want to quit because my parents were not glad to hear my intention. I really had trouble finding something that could both interest me and satisfy my parents. (14)__ , I decided to leave it and got the next step by taking on my favorite things
Now I work as a financial analyst. I am happy to have this good position in my career Life is not always easy and predictable, and sometime you have to make difficult (15)__ decisions.
11. A. standards
B. specifications
C. requirements
D. qualifications
14. A. enter
B. entry
C. entrant
D. entrance
13. A. easy
B. easily
C. easier
D. easiest
14. A. In short
B. In conclusion
C. Finally
D. street
15. A. road
B. path
C. way
D. Generally

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