bảo ngọc | Chat Online
18/05 05:29:08

Choose the correct answer

D. iconic
moose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
6. As he was driving
A. luckily
7. When you
A. Arrive
the police arrested him.
C. carelessly
D. effectively
your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
B. carefully
B. reach
D. achieve
D. serious
D. disaster
8. A good clock always keeps
A. certain
A. destruction
9. The tornado caused a massive
B. accurate
B. extension
C. get
C. true
to the town.
C. danger
10. All of my teachers, friends and relatives are asking me continually what careers I am
interested in and I'm struggling to a decision.
A. take
B. offer
11. He has a strong sense of
C. do
D. make
A. time
B. responsibility
You can always rely on him.
C. style
D. humor
This book is not really_
A. inform
B. informative
C. information
D. informatively
8. You have to use your
when you read the story.
B. imagination
B. turn up
B. shoes
A. imagine
12. We arranged to meet in front of the cinema but they didn't arrive
A. find out
15. What would you do if you were in my
A. shirt
C. imaginary
D. imaginably
C. go on
D. switch off
C. sandals
D. socks
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