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19/05 20:51:14

Choose the word or phrase (A; B; C or D) that best completes the sentence

B. the loveliest
A. as carelessly
B. more carelessly
I. Choose the best answers.
1. In some countries in the Middle East, people stand
A. most closely
to each other than those in North America in a
B. more closely.
C. closer
D. closest
2. The Covid-19 pandemic is
serious than any other health crisis, isn't it?
A. most of
B. more and more
C. most
D. more
A. more popular
B. the more popular
4. If you listen
A. carefully
3. Chocolates and flowers are by far
presents for mothers on Mother's Day in the UK.
C. less popular
to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.
B. more carefully
5. The deep oceans contain some of the
A. strangest
B. strange
6. I have 3 close friends and Ann is
A. lovelier
7. Jonh's brother often does things
C. more careful
of all living creatures.
D. most careful
D. stranger
D. the most popular
C. as strange as
C. as lovely as
D. lovelier than
than he does.
C. most carelessly
D. most careless
8. It is
in the city than it is in the country.
A. noisier
B. noisily
C. as noisy as
D. the noisiest
9. Mrs. Nga is the
A. kind-hearted
A. bad
B. better
person I have ever known.
B. more kind-hearted
10. I'm quite disappointed in you as I know you can do
11. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become
A. more and more good
C. the more and more good
12. Peter is
A. younger and more intelligent than
C. more intelligent and younger than
B. better and better
D. gooder and gooder
D. good
B. more young and intelligent than
D. the more intelligent and younger than
C. most kind-hearted
D. as kind-hearted
C. worst
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