Lê Duy | Chat Online
20/05 21:04:39

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best complete sentence

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best complet
6. Today we learnt
A. what
to use the new machine.
B. why
D. who
your teeth.
B. for
C. on
7. Chocolate is not good
A at
do you go to the dentist?" "Twice a year."
A. How many Ⓑ. How often
9. "I have a toothache." -
Ⓐ⑩et's go and see a doctor.
C. How about filling your tooth?
C. When
3. No
D. with
D. What
B. Why don't you see a dentis
D. No problem.
10. May I have
A. one
B. any
C. some
D. a
11. His idea is quite different
A. with
B. of
C. from
D. on
12. Students have two
each day.
A. 20-minute break
B. 20-minutes break
C. 20-minute breaks
D. 20-minutes breaks
B. to listen
13. Would you like _ to music?
A. listening
don't you come to my house? - OK. Let's go
A. Why
C. when
D. What
B. Let's
15. Tam enjoys
A. playing
B. to play
C. plays
D. play
C. listen
D. listens
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