Quyen Nguyen | Chat Online
21/05 21:02:30

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
DE 2
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. arrived
2. A. earth
3. A. healthy
B. believed
B) heart
B. brother
C. received
C. early
C. mother
D. another
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
4A borrow
B apply
5. A. decision B. pacific
C. listen
D. solution
D. answer
Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
Jane has been burning the midnight
D. not brought
trying to finish this report, so she must be exhausted.
D. gas
6 I'm sorry but I've
the homework at home.
A forgotten
B missed V
C. left
B. candle
B. biological
C. oil
8 He has been very interested in doing research on
C. biologist
since he was at high school.
D. biologically
of the test is to establish how much progress has been made.
A biology
9. The
A. idea
B result
10. Ann is very
A. enjoyable B. lively
11. Could you
A do
B. ask
C. aim
She takes part in numerous activities of school.
C. outgoing
D pass
D. funny
me a favour and post these letters on your way home?.
12. Are you sure that boys are more
A. Act
B. active
13. The meeting took almost five hours, so it was impossible to
A, make
B. pay
than girls?
D. get
C. acion
D. activiy
attention all the time.
C. have
D. keep
D. late
gymnastics because of his injury.
C. keep up with
D give up
14. He does't get up early on Sundays. He gets up
A. slowly
B fastly
15. Mike had to
A. look up
B. set up
1. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
16. My sister is two years,
than me.
C. so young
B. young
he forgot his umbrella.
A younger
17. He got wět
A. because of (B. because
18. I wish we
A. did not have
C. but
an exam tomorrow.
B. do not have
19. He always goes to bed before 11 o'clock,
A. isn't he
20. A number of sheep
A have
B. is he
B has
D. the youngest
D. and
C. would not have
D. will not have
D. does he
D. are
D. walked
C. doesn't he
died of a strange illness.
C. is
21. While I in the street, I saw my old friend.
A am walking B. walk
22. Many young people are fond of
C was walking
A play
B. to get
C played
23. I think spring is,
season of the year.
A beautiful
B. very beautiful
C. more beautiful
football and other kinds of sport
CD playing
D, the most beautiful
II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
24-Mary: Thanks for nice gift you brought to us
A. Alright. Do you know how much it costs?
C. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it.
25.-Lena: "I'm really sorry for offending you."
A Whatever!
B. I doubt it.
- John:
B. Not at all. Don't mention it.
D. Welcome! It's very nice of you.
- Anton:
C. You should be.
D. Apology accepted,
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