Nguyen Thu An | Chat Online
21/05 21:08:04

He got good marks in the final examination

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
he got good marks in the final examination.
Question 13. His parents were happy
A. although
Question 14. It's cold outside.
B. despite
C. because
D. because of
your coat.
A. put down
B. put off
C. put on
D. put into
Question 15. The new sports
has six tennis courts.
A. complex
C. medium
D. game
Question 16. It is
A. say
C. to say
D. saying
but also saves energy.
B. effective
C. effectively
D. effectiveness
D. aren't they
B. match
that Da Nang is the most liveable city in Viet Nam.
B. said
Question 17. The new appliance not only works
A. effect
Question 18. They often go out in the evening,
A. do they
Question 19. If we don't find
energy, we will use up all the
A. alternative
Question 20.Theproject_
B. don't they
C. are they
sources of power such as wind power and solar
fossil fuels in the near future.
B. predictable
C. efficient
D. non-renewable
D. will be finished
by them tomorrow. Don'tworry.
B. hasbeen finished C. will finish
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