Duc Duong Duy | Chat Online
21/05 21:12:24

Located in Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province, the Countryside Museum is a popular address for visitors

Located in Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province, the Countryside Museum is a popular address for
visitors. The museum was established by a retired teacher, Mrs. Khieu. During her working days, she liked
collecting objects that people used regularly in the old days because she wanted that younger generations
could learn about these objects. Knowing about Mrs. Khieu's good intention, many people have brought her
daily objects in rural areas, such as water buckets, different types of trays and fishing baskets.
Mrs. Khieu asked historians for help to build the museum. The first area is the model of a typical
house of the poor farmers and their small kitchen. The second one recreates the living space of middle-class
people. with a house having a small kitchen. The third space displays the house of a landowner who once
lived in a spacious house with a well-furnished furniture. The fourth one is a typical house of residents in the
coastal areas in Nam Dinh province. The fifth site is a four-floor building, which sits in the center of the
museum, displaying daily utensils and agricultural equipment; coins and paper currency collections.
1. Did Mrs. Khieu have a teaching job?
2. Why did she like collecting objects that people used regularly in the old days?
3. How many major areas does the museum have?
4. Which displaying area presents a collection of coins, the fourth or the fifth site?
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