Nguyen Thu An | Chat Online
21/05 21:29:12

Make the letter A B C D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer teach of the following questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I.Make the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer t
each of the following questions (4.0 points)
Question 1:
is a popular time of the year for holidays.
A. Peak season
Question 2: We often watch
A. the
Question 3: Put
A. a stick
B. Peak time
B. a
of salt into the soup for me, please!
Question 4: The school gate needs
A. to repair
Question 5: The gentleman to
A. who
C. Holiday season
D. Holiday time
C. an
D. Ø
C. a clove
D. a pinch
C. repairing
D. repaired
D. that
we spoke yesterday is making a speech.
B. a head
B. be repaired
B. whose
C. whom
B. spiritual
C. social
Nam since he left school.
B. meet
Question 6: During adolescence, teens experience both emotional and
A. physic
Question 7: We
A. met
D. physical
Question 8: Today's cities are
A. lots larger
C. haven't met
than cities in previous times.
B. much larger
Question 9: My brother has a very good sense of
A. time
B. style
Question 10: When my father was young, he
A. was used to
Question 11: I remember
A. took
B. used to
D. have meet
C. the largest
D. large
He never gets lost.
C. direction
D. humour
get up early to do the gardening.
C. got used to
D. use to
to the zoo by my father when I was a small child.
C. being taken D. taken
B. was taken
the new job in New York because she didn't want to move.
Question 12: She turned
A. on
Question 13: Unless she
B. down
C. off
she will be late for school.
D. up
A. hurried
B. hurries
C. will hurry
A. value
Question 14:There is always a big
Question 15: They have a lot of difficulties in their life
B. generation
C. shape and height
gap between the old and the young.
D. age
D. is hurrying
their poverty.
A. in spite of
Orection 16 Lwich be
B. although
more time nor
C. because
D. because of
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