Nguyễn Vũ Bảo Lâm | Chat Online
21/05 21:29:22

Read the following passage and choose the letter A B C D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the numbered blanks

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. people have the same opinions about food.
V. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word(s) for each of the
numbered blanks.
There's now increasing concern about the world's energy resources, particularly about those involving fossil (1).
In less than a hundred years we shall probably (2).
all the present (3) of oil and gas. The world's coal (4)
should last longer but, once used, these cannot
be (5)
It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (6).
as well as water and wind (7)
(classed as (8)
sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy
energy). Until these energy supplies are widely used, it is
important for the developed countries to reduce energy consumption as much as possible
B. powers
1. A. fuels
2. A. end
3. A. findings
4. A. reserves
5. A. updated
6. A. traditional
7. A. force
B. complete
B. productions
B. stores
B. repeated
B. alternative
B. strength
C. power
C. forms
D. energies
C. total
D. exhaust
C. amounts
D. sources
C. mines
D. contents
C. renewed
D. produced
C. surprising
8. A. repeatable
B. continual
C. renewable
D. revolutionary
D. motion
D. continuous
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