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22/05 19:26:48

Read the following passage and mark the letter

giúp với, nêu rõ cấu trúc nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel (23) in Quang Ninh
Province, Vietnam. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in various shapes and
sizes. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zone which (24) Bai Tu Long Bay to the northeast.
and Cat Ba Island to the southwest.
Ha Long Bay has an area of around 1,553km², including 1,960 - 2,000 islets, most of (25)
are limestone. The core of the bay has an area of 334km² with a high density of 775 islets. The
limestone in this bay has gone through 500 million years of formation in different conditions and
environments. The evolution of the karst in this bay has taken 20 million years (26) _ the
impact of the tropical wet climate. The geo-diversity of the environment in the area has created
(27) _ including a tropical evergreen biosystem, oceanic and sea shore biosystem. Ha Long
Bay is home to 14 endemic floral species and 60 endemic faunal species.
23. A. situation
24. A. offers
B. destination
C. direction
25. A. them
B. includes
B. those
C. consists
26. A. in
B. of
C. which
C. for
27. A. biochemical
B. biodiversity
C. bioconversion
D. ground
D. covers
D. whom
D. under
D. biodefense
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