Tuệ Gia | Chat Online
22/05 21:54:13

Rewrite the following sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one

X. Rewrite the following sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that
of the root one.
33. They had been on board before he arrived at the airport.
→ As soon as
34. How long have you possessed that Chanel bag?
35. "Why do I have to conduct this research?" she asked me.
→ She asked me.............
36. He needs to talk to the psychologist about his current situation.
It is........
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word in capital.
37. Knowing English is very useful. (IT)

38. It started to snow at 5 o'clock. (HAS)

39. Nam is taller than Hung. (THAN)

40. When did you go to bed last night? (TIME)
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