Le Trung | Chat Online
23/05 12:09:24

Different culture have different ideas of personal space. Generally, it is considered rude to get in someone's face, or to sit or...........(26)........too close to someone you don't know

differently similary stand wrong uncomfortable for example
Different culture have different ideas of personal space. Generally, it is considered rude to get in someone's face, or to sit or...........(26)........too close to someone you don't know. Stay about arm's length away,enoughroom for a bow or a handshake, until you learn what other person is comfortable with. ...(27)............people from Latin American cultures often stand closer together and touch each other frequently.However, if you do this when you're just met someone, they might feel...(28).........Many culture maintain a high degree of formality with stranger.Some cultures are more casual than others, but you can never go........(29)..... with being overly polite. If you're being excessively formal,the person you're talking to will correct you, but they cetainly will not be offended by it. Eyes contacts are also treated.........(30)........... in different cultures, So, it is best to keep it brief if you're trying to avoid miscommunication
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