vũ ng uyên nhi | Chat Online
23/05 15:50:33

Viết lại câu

Hộ em nhanh nhanh vs ạ 10p nữa em đi học rôig
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1/ The river is too dirty for us to swim in. (enough)
2/ Why don't we go to the countryside this weekend.
I suggest going to the country side this weekend
3/ Unless you work hard, you will fail the exam.
4/ Let's use public buses instead of motorbikes.
1/ Speak English in slass regularly.
I suggest Speaking English in class regularly
2/ Why don't we plant some roses in the garden. tow
I think
3/ I don't hurry, so I am late for the class.
4/ They don't have time, but they try to eat dinner together.
5/ The old man was taken to the hospital. He has just died.
The old man
6/ Although it rained heavily, they play soccer.
In spite of
7/The dress no longer fits her well. Her boyfriend gave her the dress.
The dress
8/We should brush our teeth carefully after meals.
9/ What a pity I live far from my school.
→I wish
10/ We started learning English four years ago.
→We have
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