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24/05/2024 22:15:34

Fill each gap with the correct form of the given verb

Giúp mik với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
- hang by a thread = be easy to fail or die: ngàn cân treo sợi tóc
Practice 1: Fill each gap with the correct form of the given verb
artisans - delivery person - garbage collector-facilities - handicrafts
speciality food - electrician - function - advice - original
1. People in her community gave her family.....on where to buy stuff.
2. There are enough sports.....for people of all ages in our local park.
3. Skilled local.....made these beautiful flower vases.
4. The electrical wires in our neighborhood broke down yesterday, so we had to call a/an.....
5. There are several restaurants in Paris that serve Vietnamese.....
6. The.....in our street usually comes at 6 pm to take the rubbish away.
7. Tourists to Hoi An usually buy traditional.....such as lanterns as souvenirs.
8. From these pottery products, you can see the beauty and.....which make them famous.
Practice 2: Choose the best answer
1. The villagers.....their traditional weaving techniques.
A. shorten
B. preserve
B. stuff
C. collect
C. fragrance
D. embroider
D. object
D. pleasure
2. This cake has a special....., so it is very popular with foreign tourists.
A. function
3. Our police officers help keep law and..... in our community.
A. order
B. place
C. problem
4. Spring rolls are the.....that almost tourists from other countries like best.
A. fast food
B. junk food
C. speciality food
5. My hometown is famous for.....such as paper fans and lanterns.
D. convenience food
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